Metavalent Stigmergy

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

web 13.0

Get Dreamhosting from $7.95/mo.This page was origingally proposed as a catch-as-catch-can assortment of Web N.0 (whatever-point-oh) widgets and gadgets and doo-dads and trendy trinkets pertaining to content publication, syndication, aggregation, and valuation (social, topical, temporal); lacking which, one is proven a clueless phlunktard. The direct relevance to this actual blog is questionable and this variety of content may have to find a new home elsewhere.

In the meantime, given the rapid escalation of made-up web iterations, i figured it best to just jump directly to Web 13.0 in order to prove my leadership using the industry-standard best practice of baseless self-proclamation and just dump interesting stuff here for future sorting.

Hey, i don’t make the rules of web-based stereotypification and alienation, i’m just another hapless victim of increasingly indiscriminate and dispassionately vicious you-can-never-keep-up-with-the-most-popular webkids brutality, and seeking to overcompensate for my own shortcomings just like all the rest.<blockquote>Update 8/16/08: I haven’t touched this page for countless months and probably will mothball it soon. Was fun while it lasted, but kind of like the old favorite kitchen junk drawer, every few years it’s time to dump it out and start over, right?</blockquote> Web 13.0 Stuff

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Some kind of mini-bloggy thingy for networking and stuff. From (or maybe not, if you don’t see the widget above the badge, oh well). And anyway, a quick initial random sample of these alleged “Good Blogs” don’t exactly strike me as particularly good, so prolly not missing much. UPDATE: Deactivated the embed because of course it apparently turned into a scam-ware site!

A “cliproll” from Clipmarks: My Clipmarks Bitty Browser thingie:

Splashcasty Thingie:

Metavalent Stigmergy's Facebook profile

Go mess up metajotspot

Marvel at the new spring widget thingie:

Get this widget!

In Web 13.0, all books will be fully searchable online, even before being written!

A few Google Book Searches: Extropian



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Click for “The Future is Near: Signs of the Future”. By Feed Digest

Click for “Accelerating Intelligence”. By Feed Digest