Metavalent Stigmergy

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

19 March 2021

What If It Happened To Me?


This is such a wonderfully compassionate, kind, and nuanced approach to this topic. Much needed. The polarizing misunderstandings around this challenge are so rampant, that it is difficult to sort the signal from the noise.

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That’s one of the primary purposes of this website. To curate meaningful, productively thought provoking content that is worth your time, and by delivering that curation value, contribute to building communities of value by finding deeper value within ourselves and reflected in our surroundings.

It’s a Spectrum, not a Final Judgement

The spectrum of narcissism – the giving and receiving of narcissistic injuries – is a complicated and widely misunderstood topic. In this podcast, Alan refutes a lot of the oversimplified labels and offers a much-needed and nuanced approach to these culturally metavalent ailments.

It’s deeply ambitious to attempt to put the non-symbolic, non-verbal, passive-aggressive War for Inherent Moral Supremacy under a household roof, into words; but Alan seems very close to achieving the feat, for those with the interest and insight to attend closely.

Like other issues in mental health, our collective denial and avoidance of openly exploring personality disorders, cultivates precisely the kind of out of sight out of mind, twilight, dimmed, darkened, moldy breeding ground that, in general, invites all manner of unpleasant things thrive in.

Sunlight and air are the best medicines, and heaven knows that right now, our civilization could use better, more holistic medicines.

I promise that this is so worth listeneng to, and may be one of the most important themes of public conversation in the 2020’s, if we’re to begin making changes for the better.

Two sides of the same coin

You are not welcome to be you

Everyone has it, and so you … don’t have Permission to Exist

The glue that holds this all together

A Transcendant Primal Rage

An impossible riddle of impossible feelings

Healing as a lifestyle

A wound of the development of the self


Have you discovered or learned something interesting or valuable here? Something that piqued your imagination, creativity, research, discovery, or other academic, philosophical, or spiritual interest? Let us know with ETH 0x1eb2d6E3f26fBBF31B485bbe3e316D6dAd806632, Cashtag $metavalent, or Patreon. Every action we take in this multiverse, however small, matters and makes a difference. So, thank you and blessings, in this very moment!

tags: metavalent