Metavalent Stigmergy

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How New Default Consensus Realities Instantiate (aka, #WT5GF of #DCNRs)

3 December 2007

NPR's Singularity Soundbyte for the Masses

by metavalent

Weekend Edition Sunday, December 2, 2007<blockquote>The idea of what Artificial Intelligence should be has evolved over the past 50 years — from solving puzzles and playing chess to emulating the abilities of a child: walking, recognizing objects. A recent conference brought together those who invent the future.

A recent “Singularity Summit” brought together those who imagine — and invent — the future.
</blockquote>Thankfully, Rick Kleffel from member station KUSP filed a reasonably representative report, featuring Sam Adams, Barney Pell, and even introducing AGI To The Public via the ever articulate Jamais Cascio of CRN & Dr. J. (James Hughes) of IEET!
