Metavalent Stigmergy

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

7 November 2008

Jesus Hijacks the Singularity

by metavalent

WTF? Just found on Yahoo Groups.

SINGULARITYcc 119 Members, Archives: Membership required The Singularity Class at Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth invites you to join us and be changed by God to change the world. We are an adult singles class (30’s-50+) where acceptance, advocacy and abundance are all to the Glory of God! As we study God’s word, He encourages, equips and empowers us as single adults to live as growing and maturing Christians. Please join us this Sunday and get connected with our Singularity family team! We meet at 10:45 AM each Sunday morning in Fellowship ..
