As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
by metavalent
The 10 Worst Jobs in America are also widely regarded as the “10 Fastest Growing Opportunities,” for Americans, though euphemistically characterized by economists as “Service Sector Employment.” Friends, this is a key transhumanist issue, if not THE fundamental issue. If we aren’t smart enough to architect a transcapitalist society that provides for the richest expression of individual transhuman aptitudes while affording all the “loser, lowlife transhumans” an Aspirational Wage that provides not just the opportunity to survive, but to think about, and act upon agendas for individual improvement. A “living wage” is another euphemism for bitterly bare subsistence, which implies perpetual stagnation, which notoriously undermines individual opportunity and thereby, social utility.
According to MarketWatch today, the occupations with the highest concentrations of bad jobs are: