Metavalent Stigmergy

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

5 September 2006

Not Even a Mouse (gesture, that is) in IE7

by metavalent

0How in the world do you botch such a basic thing as this? Users have to dig through endless piles of half-baked, half-developed, half-retail, half-open source plug-ins just to find this Mouse Gesture Add On for IE7.

And this is RC1, a Release Candidate, which means that it is pretty much a done deal that IE7 will not have mouse gestures. Brilliant. I guess I shouldn't complain, because it's just all the more reason to

Opera 9 - Your Web, Your Choice keep using Opera (by far the most standards-compliant) or

Upgrade to Firefox 1.5!upgrade to Firefox (by far the most open to innovation).

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