Metavalent Stigmergy

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

9 April 2021

Culture, culture, culture, culture, culture.


What if viruses do not cause illness, entirely? What if they are a necessary but highly insufficient factor in both contracting illness and disease transmission?

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That sure would ratchet down the panic quite a bit, and who would be disadvantaged by a reduction in collective proclivity to panic?

Let’s ask a leading researcher, neuroscientist, and author of Seven And a Half Lessons About the Brain, Dr. Lisa Feldman Barret.

”Culture, culture, culture, culture, culture.” — Russell Brand

Watch here if the embed below does not behave nicely.

Have you discovered or learned something interesting or valuable here? Something that piqued your imagination, creativity, research, discovery, or other academic, philosophical, or spiritual interest? Let us know with ETH 0x1eb2d6E3f26fBBF31B485bbe3e316D6dAd806632, Cashtag $metavalent, or Patreon. Every action we take in this multiverse, however small, matters and makes a difference. So, thank you and blessings, in this very moment!

tags: metavalent