Metavalent Stigmergy

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

7 June 2021

Implants and Soldiers as Robots, Oh My!

by metavalent

Ug. So, why bother building robots when you can just turn humans into expendable war robots to do your murderous bidding, yeah?

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A “Living Pharmacy” Military Scientists Can Stick Inside Your Body. The device uses genetically engineered, light-sensitive cells to hack your body’s natural processes. What could possibly go wrong, right? This might well be a good sign of the #WrongSingularity, folks; not because of the tech, but because of the motives and intentions: to hack humans into being more ruthless and obedient killing machines. It’s never too late to interact with conditions to be more humane, but it always takes individual and collective awareness … and effort. I get it that some folk don’t much like terminology like “collective awareness,” because collectivism is conflated with communism, and wearing a mask to protect others instead of my own narcissistic self is often twisted into “bossing me around,” socialism – maybe, even while we boss everyone around in the name of not being bossed around? So, this might be a time to discard some of our worn-out, out-dated, old and busted labels, don’t you think? The memes we were weaned on might not have been the memes we need to cultivate conditions on Earth as it is in Heaven in the Post-Automation Era.

Everything I think, say, and write, might be wrong; but it’s all I got, so the best I can do is be one of the 100 blind men trying to accurately describe an elephant according to the limited context directly in front of me. Thanks for reading.

If Hearing The Words “Military,” “Soldier,” And “Implant” All In The Same Sentence Conjures Images Of Jason Bourne, You’re Not Alone — And With Good Reason.

by KATIE MACBRIDE 6.4.2021 5:30 AM

In May, researchers from Northwestern University signed a $33 million dollar contract with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop a wireless implantable device that will function as a “living pharmacy” for military personnel. It’s called a living pharmacy because everything the “patient” needs can be produced by their own body.

Called NTRAIN (Normalizing Timing of Rhythms Across Internal Networks of Circadian Clocks), the device is intended to control the body’s circadian clock and eliminate jetlag, fatigue, and even gastrointestinal issues.

If successful, the implantable device could help populations beyond soldiers too, including shift workers, first responders, and the chronically ill. While it may sound like pure science fiction, the researchers behind the implant argue it may forever change how we treat diseases.

The device will house two crucial components:

  • Micron-scale LED lights
  • Light sensitive cells genetically engineered to make specific proteins called peptides

NTRAIN "Living Pharmacy" Implant

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tags: metavalent