Metavalent Stigmergy

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

1 March 2024

Individuated Collective Intelligence

by metavalent

Toward a Non-Collective Collective Intelligence.

Watch How AI and democracy can fix each other if the embed does not behave nicely.

We don’t have to sacrifice our freedom for the sake of technological progress.1

Both Representative and Democratic AI, like “government of the people, by the people, for the people” is not only possible, it’s happening.

We don’t have to choose between any of the fad false dichotomies of the day. Nihilistic Stalinism vs. Optimistic Liberalism. Centralized Power vs. Disordered Chaos. Borg Collectivism vs. Individual Freedom.

We have options. We always have options. Maybe we convince ourselves that we didn’t have any choice or don’t have any present or future options in order to justify acting upon sublimated, suppressed, subconscious beliefs and behaviors that we’d rather not face. One thing AI is sure to cause us to do is to face them, because AI is the ultimate extension of ourselves.

Social technologist Divya Siddarth shares how a group of people helped retrain one of the world’s most powerful AI models on a constitution they wrote — and offers a vision of technology that aligns with the principles of democracy, rather than conflicting with them.1


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