As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
by metavalent
Link to “We have intuition for a reason. I stopped listening to mine.” if the embed does not behave nicely.
#MeToo with the deepest possible respect, regard, and reverence. The shiniest prizes can be the most tarnished and the fanciest looking neighborhoods can be the most grotesque places of all. It is taking a long time to return and retune with the truth of intuition after decades of gaslighting allowed by self-inflicted naïveté that I alone must own, and that’s okay. Even if it takes the rest of our lives, that’s okay.
There seems a bright intuitive irony illuminating the eminently vindictive passive-aggressive aspects of “polite society” in the so-called natural world expressed in the fact that the very quotation, “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act,” is so widely misattributed to George Orwell.
Hence, the light shines forth in darkness in places like Quote Investigator, a favorite go-to site for inspiration and clarity in piercing the veil of superficial, pretentious, deceptive, double-dealing of the world. The truth of this lying attribution seems to me to reflect a profoundly authentic understanding of the mournfully self-defeating deceitfulness of worldly human nature.
“… based on current evidence George Orwell probably did not employ this saying. The quote was attributed to Orwell in its earliest known appearance in 1982. The expression evolved into a handful of variants, but the ascription to Orwell was preserved. The origin is unclear, but it is possible that the statement began as a proposed summary of Orwell’s position, and it was later incorrectly converted into a quotation.”
tags: metavalentHave you discovered or learned something interesting or valuable? Something that piqued your imagination, sparked creative insight, deepened research, enlivened discovery, or shed new light upon other academic, philosophical, or spiritual interest? Make it real with ETH 0x1eb2d6E3f26fBBF31B485bbe3e316D6dAd806632, Cashtag $metavalent, Patreon, or justbepono$ Mahalo means Respect and Gratitude without measure.🙏🏼