As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
by metavalent
[ Version: 2025. ]
Credit to the prolifically insightful and patient teaching of David Shapiro, for the “brilliance and boneheads” tagline.
It's not speculation any more, anon.
E of matter. E of light. E of thought (consciousness). Most humans intuitively sense or know that the Energy of Thought, the Energy of Light, and the Energy of Matter are deeply intertwingled (Ted Nelson). But how are these Energy fields unified, if at all? What is the Mechanism of Action between these phase-states of Energy? Those are the thesis question of “my little toe” (MLT) which generated the algorithm above. There may be more than one solution to the MLT Triple Equivalency, and work continues at the far reaches of this Knowledge Event Horizon. This is called SCIENCE. Stretching our understanding from the present known into the adjecent KNOWABLE, based upon existing empirical understanding.
In the Ernest Becker or Carl Jung or C.S. Lewis sense of the phrase, this essay is sure to be the death of me, once again, and yet the inescapable whole fact of the matter is that, it seems to me, anon, that any high-minded and self-declared superior supra singularity sub-quantum theory of life, the universe, and everything — let alone any such theory proclaiming to be the Most High of all such theories in the universe — which fails to meet the most basic fundamental human needs of the proverbial “least of these,” including the most wretched humans suffering through the most desperate of animal-panic conditions, is utterly devoid of validity or meaning. ELI5: Kicking people who are down is one of the most grotesque, ancient, tribal, trogledyte, unenlightened, unspiritual, and certainly un-Christ-disciple of all human behaviors. To build the richest civilization in the history of the planet and have even ONE homeless citizen or patriot is anathema to the un-earned bounties of divinely inspired and guided innovation. If that is cause to label and hate me according to your contorted and distorted misinterpretation, anon, I have learned the hard way that there is nothing I can do about that, and it does not change this by one jot or tittle.1
Despite my most fervent efforts at denial, I have been forced by dire lived experience to acknowledge and recognize that there are those readers who will point to this essay with a magnitude of contempt and depth of disdain of which even they themselves did not imagine they themselves were ever capable – and I bless them, for such a condition can only be due to a complete lack of either willingness, or absense of ability to introspect with the slightest modicum of intellectual self-honesty – perhaps, going so far as to discredit this essay as composed from the haughty Heights Of Hubris, far atop Mt. Marxist Narcissism; smearing the reputation of the author with such imagined or projected character defects, perhaps most prevalently extant within themselves. Perhaps. Maybe not.
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Similarly, it is not by choice (or so I deceive myself) that I have come to recognize the Distorted Lens of those who project such views upon everything and everyone that is not in ironclad alignment with their own understanding of life and conditions of the human experience on planet Earth.
Left, right, center, independent, non-aligned, theist, deist, atheist, and everything in between; the Distorted Lens is an entirely agnostic, detached, and equal opportunity distorting mechanism that seems eternally oblivious to the resident biases behind the eyeballs and biases of its wearer.
Hence, rendering pejorative descriptions of the author’s surely inadequate life’s work, while having nothing to do whatsoever with anything remotely resembling what might at least speculatively be imagined as the proverbial “empirical objective truth beyond all human subjective perception.”
Nevermind the glaringly obvious case that, as far as most humans have experienced, there can be no such independently existing thing as said external objective reality, except as an internal object, at least in the context and from the perspective of a purely biological-mechanical human platform capable ONLY of hyper-individuated subjective experience; at least from the perspective of whatever or whoever it is peering out from behind the eyeballs of said hyper-individuated biomechanical human organism. Isn’t it? Maybe not. You get to decide from inside your own subjective headspace.
After all, is not to be born into a human body to become a hopelessly and empirically subjective witness to all phenomena seemingly occurring beyond the boundaries of said vessel?
* * *
Alas, after absorbing enough slings and arrows of Moloch’s minions of misfortune, one is eventually forced to acknowledge that there does exist, in fact, a subset perhaps numbered in the millions of human beings, who sincerely possess little to no interest in truth or light, other than to extinguish both, in order to evade illumination of their own troubled hearts, muddled minds, and therefore inevitably deceitful deeds. Sad, but true.
For such people, the pejorative projections herein described could not be more wrong-headed, but that is how this essay will inevitably be perceived by those so afflicted, from the Distorted Lens frame of reference. A frame of reference which must, from a perspective of computational irreducibility, ever always exist somewhere in the ruliad, Ipso facto, by definition of the ruliad, itself.
That is why simplistic conceptions of judgment of such souls cannot apply, even to the most malicious and vicious of those who have sworn to make me their enemy; even if, and especially when, such a thought towards such beings has never and could never cross the author’s mind. Not due to any inherent goodness in the author’s basic constitution, for certain, but merely by accident of evolutionary architecture. Seems like.
I can, however, in good faith, assure the patient and longsuffering reader that it is only through the process of entirely undesired and quite dire longsuffering and consequence that the author himself has learned the hard way that there is absolutely nothing that he can do about those beings who chose to hate him, who have preemptively or prejudicially decided to hate anything that he has to say, simply because it is he who is the one sputtering these surely inadequate and – from said detractors perspectives – disdainful words, into this handheld, monolithic, black mirror, voice to text, recording and transcribing device; and by the time they reach you, either displayed upon some screen or read out loud by a synthetic narrator.
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Thankfully, from the perspective of yours truly — the author’s frame of reference — there are presently more than 8 billion human perspectives experiencing planet Earth, with estimates of an asymptotic planetary carrying capacity of approximately 9 billion on the horizon, sometime around mid-century, or by other estimates, by the end of this first century of this dawning Third Millennium.
Apparently, across countless millennia, there always exist people who simply choose to hate us on an individual basis because, in the paraphrased words of Denzel Washington, our light infuriates their demons.
In this case, I want to include a few comments about the particular kind of light that the scientific method has shined into this luminous Third Millennium, this unprecedented Post-Automation Era in which we live today, marking The Year Of Our Lord, 2025.
Science, it seems to the author, was, from the beginning, arguably the most profound of analytical gifts and methodologies by which human beings are capable of exploring and understanding the intricacies of God’s creation.
Like all good and perfect gifts from above, science too has been misunderstood, misappropriated, and misused by misguided mankind. Science is a tool, and like any tool subject to the abuses of a fallen human nature.
From this perspective, it seems that a Theory Of Everything (TOE), like any scientific theory, is only as useful as its ability to inspire and innovate practical human scale technologies and solutions that lift humanity from the mundane madness and mayhem of Moloch’s mammon-muddled Earthly dominion, toward the direct experience of creation’s intrinsic super abundance.
Life, liberty, and indeed the attainment of a deep and abiding happiness, in Heavenly abundance, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
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Thus it seems a tautology to remind that humans cannot serve both God and Mammon in the cause of this pursuit, let alone in attainment and arrival.
One will always become greater than, or subject to, the other. God or Mammon. It seems noteworthy to recall that, in the New Testament book of John, the very first thing that Jesus did, after turning water to wine – for a very specific purpose; that of celebrating the sanctity of the partnership between a man and a woman – was to forcibly and vehemently evict the money changers out of the temple. Jesus was not kind, gentle, or polite about this. He was emphatic and physically forceful.
If we in the early 21st century are primarily in the money-making business, as a lingering 20th century culture thoroughly conditioned humans to behave; then no matter how much we invoke the name of God to bless our well-intentioned commerce, the fruits of our labor bear witness to our true priorities. We can fool all of the people all of the time, but we cannot fool The Omniscient with so much as a single fleeting thought.
“It is what it is,” as my dearly departed so often seemed to mock, in the act of denying this particular statement. And perhaps she and Dr. Sapolsky are right, that there is no free will; in which case we are powerless to choose between God and Mammon; rendering the author’s understanding of free will, in the context of prioritizing God or Mammon, miguided, even dead wrong.
If this is the case, then indeed, the author is expressing a sorely mistaken view. And in that case, if the author is expressing such a sorely mistaken view, the best that he can do is articulate the mistake with as much clarity and granularity as possible, for the benefit of the reader’s own contemplation toward a more correct and accurate understanding of precisely WHAT “it is what it is,” IS.
Whether mistaken, or distinctly and disdainfully precise, it follows from this line of reasoning, that applying the scientific method in ways that liberate humanity from the curse of the Garden of Eden aligns with Christ’s work of both fulfilling the law – every last jot and tittle – while simultaneously lifting that very curse from the brow of man, for the entire duration of eternity, as well.
* * *
More or less established in the 20th century, and lingering into the early 21st century; particularly amongst some tribal factions dispersed throughout the American cultural diaspora, a peculiar creed of blue collar labor worshipping, dirty jobs labor fetishsizing, faith in the handywork of man above the liberating grace of God seems to have established deep, behavioral, and civilizational roots, perpetually aspiring to return man to the curse of the Garden of Eden; to instill psychological dominance of that view deep within human consciousness and community.
To be fair, it is indeed a clever and subtle spin of revisionist Christic history, worthy of the C.S. Lewis character named Screwtape, for those familiar; while others are encouraged to explore, if Lord Screwtape is a new acquaintance. The false doctrine of the Garden of Eden is reincarnated in the form of the worship of work for its own sake, the sweat of the brow, as if one can only ever be saved by such works, and never by a foolish, immeasurable, non-symbolic, and childlike faith. However, one must be exceedingly careful to never appear “too rich,” lest one’s jealous peers turn and rend them.
This way of life is a hallmark of communist culture, through and through. The tall poppy gets cut. The tall hammer gets nailed. Everyone is equal, independent of individual uniqueness or merit. But do not trust the author on this point, ask anyone who ever grew up in such a socialist or communist regime, wherein the objective was to become as rich as possible, by any means possible, including graft, corruption, or organized crime, while being careful to never appear “too” wealthy, in any way shape or form. To put this in contemporary United States standards, it might be fine to drive a Cadillac or Lexus, but How Dare Thee ever buy a super car, much less, a yacht, a jet plane, or in the year 2025, one of the many semi-autonomous flying cars available in the free and open market. We elect billionaires and despise rich corporate profiteers at the same time without the slightest sense of irony.
This is oligarchical communism in capitalism’s clothing at its finest. Manifest in any society that leaves people utterly destitute, or literally sent to the gulag, unless they comply to the Central Ruling Party’s dogma: “You no got state, corporate, or company-authorized Justification Of Being (J.O.B.), you no get food, clothing, shelter, or health care.” Rampant homelessness and people living in tents on sidewalks are as inevitable as blaming those who refuse to continue participating in an ideology that only ever manifests more of the same, ipso facto. We know this to be true, for it is the everyday reality of most major American cities in the year 2025.
“Our Way of Life,” is precisely what has caused this present moment. It can be no other way. The present moment is the PROOF of what “our way of life,” has created over the past half century. “By their fruits, you shall know them,” and the current conditions in America are the manifest fruits of “our way of life.”
How is this not the epitome of a godless communist doctrine, to elevate JOB above even GOD, as The Source of all human meaning, dignity, purpose, and provision?
Similarly, any labor of science, religion, philosphy, or politics that seeks to smash mankind back into the toil and sweat of his brow is, by definition, a categorically regressive endeavor; a science, religion, philosophy, or politics that directly denies and betrays the saving work of the cross. “By the sweat of your, brow you shall eat bread,” was the curse of expulsion from super abundance, the opposite of deliverance, salvation, and restoration of super abundance.
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On Falsifiability of Intellectual Perspectives: I need to, and want to confess that it is more than a little bit unsettling, on the verge of terrifying, frankly, to consider the proposition that if I am completely wrong in the perspectives expressed the paragraphs above, I may indeed be completely wrong about 99.999% of what 99.999% of humans consider “reality.” However, anything short of acknowleding that possibility, from this anon’s perspective, falls short of what I consider a Best Effort for some semblance of Intellectual Honesty. Mockers, scorners, and haters, gonna’ mock, scorn, and hate me as always. At least now, finally, I no longer live in denial of those sad and tragically dark realities. The benefit of facing that Shadow Work is that it eternally impels and incentives me to focus as fervently as possible upon that “Light [that] shines on in the darkness, [though] the darkness did not understand it, or overpower it, or appropriate it, or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it]” (John 1:4, AMP).
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When 5,000 showed up unexpectedly to hear Jesus teach, his first command was not “make sure everyone has jobs; oh, and get all the BUMS, out.” One need not even to ask the question, “what would Jesus do in such a situation,” because what He did, in fact, is precisely documented.
Here is what He did: He provided unconditional, all you can eat, FREE LUNCH, with leftovers for everyone to take home. That is what Jesus did, when surrounded by 5,000 BUMS.2
Indeed, spiritual law stands in stark contrast to the cold-hearted human law of black holes, from which derived the adage, “there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”
TANSTAAFL, the antithesis to “in the beginning God CREATED,” appears nowhere in any scripture, and yet TANSTAAFL is constantly recited within some cult-like tribal factions, as if it bears the authority of scripture.
It ought come as no surprise, therefore, to discover that the dark deep state TANSTAAFL physics of black holes would seek to extinguish the Light of Truth from shining forth through the spiritual physics of the enlivened and redeemed human heart; particularly if this light threatens to illuminate the realm of public policy.
TANSTAAFL is the same darkness amidst which the light of Martin Luther King Jr.’s life shown so brightly. Grace, in contrast, was the precise kind of light that Dr. King was shining brightest at the end of his life, in public policy form which he referred to as, “a guaranteed annual income, at levels that sustain life in decent circumstances.” Today, that principle is finally becoming more widely known as the universal Social Security provided by a universal basic income indexed to 50% per capita GDP.
In closing, a provocation for those who might still be gaslighting and sea-lioning THEMSELVES with an incessant and disingenious version of the otherwise legitimate question: why. So, I ask you, anon, WHY? And HOW are Thomas Paine, Milton Friedman, Martin Luther King Jr., and tens of thousands of pilot program participants WHYs STILL not Good Enough for you? Is there any point in the history of the cosmos at which life ceases to be about YOU above all sentient beings?
“I think we need to invest more into the effort of Making Human Lives Better.”
(Dr. Yejin Choi, Stanford HAI).
“AGI is defined to be a super-set of human intelligence, everything a human can do, AI can do. I think it’s a very narrow-minded and narcissistic view. When you watch movies, you want aliens to want to become humans, for pets to want to become humans, for monkeys to want to become humans, but they don’t, you know?
(Kai-Fu Lee, CEO & Founder of 01.AI. Co-founder of Sinovation Ventures. Co-founder of Microsoft Research Asia. Former President of Google China.).
“As you become stronger, it becomes easier to be good. Think about people who commit crimes. Often they do so because they are in a position where they’re weak. They actually don’t have the economic resources; they don’t have anything to protect [themselves, their families, their place in community]. I think what you’ll see is companies switching over from trying to provoke you and make you upset, to trying to make you curious, and I think that is going to be good for humanity.”
(Jonathan Ross, CEO & Founder of Groq. Innovator of Google’s Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)).
Finally, for anyone interested in the 373 endnotes and roughly equal bibliographic references that support and define the engineering process by which American Patriots can complete Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s work of cultivating conditions a little closer on Earth as it is in Heaven, within the next 18 months, beginning in January 2025, the book is available on Amazon and to borrow from the Internet Archive.
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[1] Next: Break the habit of needless self-deprecation, adapted to survive the viciousness of the sixth and seventh grade playground. New Understanding: That which emerged as a survival tactic or cope in a moment that demanded either or both, can lodge itself into our psyche and cells as cPTSD that can only be healed by facing it. May all fellow sufferers find the courage, wisdom, and resources to see that process through to completion and wholeness. 🙏
[2] A special footnote for anyone screeching any of the following curses at me: socialist! commmunist! globalist! tech-oligarch sympathizer! May the One True God through the sacrifice of His Son who DIED TO SAVE ME, Bless and Keep You; for I am commanded to LOVE my enemies and BLESS those who curse me. A prayer for you.
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