Metavalent Stigmergy

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

15 August 2008

We Command the Lightning's Hand

by metavalent

A little Science Friday fun for those Trailing Boomers who might recall that dreaded Kansas epic anthem.

Duly noted: sometimes only the top half of the first video frame is loading on initial page load. If video is started, launched to full screen, then returned to embed; that fixes it. But will try to track down whatever is encumbering intial page load. Thanks for patience with life’s perpetual beta test.

UPDATE: Can anyone help me to understand what THIS char is?<div align="center" style="font-size:200%;">ℑ</div> It’s included in the embed string for the SciFri embedded player, above, apparently in service to stats server. Like this:


Is that char right, or a typo? Thanks!
