As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
by metavalent
The utterly flaccid Homeland Security Advisory System has proven it’s impotence once again on today’s BBC news Warning of New York subway threat. In the face of a reported “credible security threat”, “The country remains at an elevated risk, Code Yellow, for terrorist attack,” and “throughout the transport system, the city’s threat level remain[s] at ‘orange’ - the second highest level of alert and the level it has been since the attacks on the city’s World Trade Center on 11 September 2001.”
If color codes do not closely track with increases and decreases in physical security, they serve no purpose at all other than bolstering the world perception of America as a bumbling laughing stock and inspiration to programmers to offer the more aptly named Idiocy Level extension for Firefox.