As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
by metavalent
Who’d have thunk it? And yet, CBS has taken the first step toward the most logical web broadcasting model. As opposed to CNN’s retarded Pipeline program (I refuse to even link to it and it’s over-engineered, over-priced, b-grade, non-broadcast psuedo content), CBS will simply send its broadcast to a wider audience; on the web. CBS To Air Evening News Live On Web, Simulcast Of ‘Evening News With Katie Couric’ To Begin Sept. 5 - CBS News.
Who knows, at this pace, in a decade or two, CBS might even catch up to LinkTV or C-SPAN, who has been “doing it right” for years. Without a doubt, C-SPAN is the way to do broadcast TV on the web. Forget about the web being some bizarre “cyber” space. It’s not another dimension, it’s just another OUTLET. If broadcasters want to reach the web audience, all they have to do is the same thing that C-SPAN has done for years.