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How New Default Consensus Realities Instantiate

25 August 2006

New, Unimproved Bush iGod Strategy

by metavalent

0Writing for The Nation, Jonathan Schell says it’s Too Late for Empire and, I might add, for what I’ve come to refer to as the Bush administration’s imperialist Global Occupation Doctrine (iGOD) Strategy.

Now just hold on a sec. Before launching a prescriptive big ‘R’ Republican Rancher nuke-u-ler an hominem attack on all the wimpy pseudo-intellectual airy-fairy lowercase ‘l’ liberals, please read the strategy for yourself.

As Schell puts it, “The United States, to be sure, is a great power by any measure, surely the world’s greatest, yet that power is hemmed in by obstacles peculiar to our era [specifically, the nuclear dilemma]. The mistake has been not so much to think that the power of the United States is greater than it is as to fail to realize that power itself, whether wielded by the United States or anyone else–if conceived in terms of military force–has been in decline. By imagining otherwise, the United States has become the fool of force – and the fool of history” (Jonathan Schell).

For a primer:On the United States at War, the Long Crisis of the American Republic, and the Fate of the Earth The Jonathan Schell Reader: On the United States at War, the Long Crisis of the American Republic, and the Fate of the Earth
