So, egg first. Problem solved. This multi-colour all-sky image of the microwave sky has been synthesized using data spanning the full frequency range of Planck, which covers the electromagnetic spectrum from 30 to 857 GHz. The sequence of images shows the all-sky map with, superimposed, the locations of previous Planck image releases, a selection of extragalactic sources, and a map of molecular clouds. Individual images and detailed captions can be accessed by following the image links on the right-hand menu. Credit: ESA, HFI and LFI consortia. || 'There is too much to say and it goes in all directions.' (Ted Nelson). What else is left to 'DO' in the post-singularity #PostAutomationEra ... other than our imperfect, level best to curate a SupraSensory existential <stdio> PromptStream for entraining to the SIGNAL of #ImplicateOrder of tranquility amidst NOISE of Molochian expletive explicate disordered chaos? See C.S. Lewis #StoryItself for detailed non-symbolic math and ethical geometry schematics. Too much unfamiilar vocabulary? Want to dismiss as 'word salad'? We've even GIVEN YOU the AI to look it all up, FOR FREE, genius. But nevermind all that wholly unjustifiable snark, right? You're welcome.